Sunday, April 23, 2006


Day Off - Weird

I don't have to do powerpoint tonight at the Alt and its going to be really weird. I haven't sat in an Alt for almost three years. It's not like I haven't had a Sunday off in three years, I had a few Sundays off in the summer, and I get most morning services off, and we used to have UPS every second Sunday, but it has definitely been a while since I had an Alt off. It is going to be weird. I know I won't be able to focus at the service tonight, just on God, I'll be thinking about the powerpoint and not about God, which I need to learn to stop doing. I would really like to have a service where I can just sit back and relax and worship. It didn't work this morning, I wasn't very focused on God at all. I wasn't sitting in the service the whole time, I was on greeting duty and then I had to go to the bathroom after the sermon, and then I got distracted on the way back and missed the end of the service. I really hope things go better tonight.
I've felt kinda far from God this week, which sucks. I don't know what I need to do, just focus or what? I keep feeling like God is telling me to not worry about it and just relax, lean on him. I guess that's what I should do, not put so much pressure on myself and just enjoy him.
Last night I was holding my niece Allison and it was really cool. She fell asleep in my arms and I just felt an overwhelming sense of peace and love. I also felt that that's how God feels about us. We're his children and he just wants to hold us close and love us. Pretty cool. :)
So what else is new in my life? I have a meeting tomorrow with CUPE which is the union at mac. I filed a grievance almost a year ago because mac wouldn't hire me because CUPE had negociated a contract change and I got paid at the higher rate. It was pretty nice getting payed around $33/hr instead of $15. So now after having three big meetings they are probably going to arbritration to try to get me some money that I missed out on last summer by not getting hired at mac.
I'm also waiting to hear from mac to see if I got into grad school in stats. One of my profs told me that they needed to see my grades for the two courses I took this semester to decide if they're going to let me in or not. Just a bit of pressure on my exams. :) I'm glad they're over with, but now I have to wait to get my grades. I am at peace, but I would really like to know.
I spent a lot of time with Bre and Emma this week. It was really cool. I love spending time with them.
So if anyone wants to pray that I can relax and just enjoy God, that would be awesome.

Wendy, I'm glad you were able to meet with God tonight. I can't say I really spent time praying for you, as my head today was cluttered with other issues, but somehow I thought God would come through for you. I was really glad to see you so excited after the Alt tonight. Unfortunately there won't be any Alts over the summer, but you'll at least have a rest somewhat. :-)
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