Monday, May 15, 2006


I didn't get in

So I didn't get into grad school. I just found out like 15 min ago. God is good, I'm ok.
Matt was online and said hi to me like 2 min after I found out and then my friend Yunna came online right after. I think they were the perfect people for me to talk to at that moment.
It did take a while for them to decide, but I think that just gave God time to work me around to being ok with not getting in.
I'm not looking forward to figuring out where God wants me next, but God is teaching me something, and so I don't know what's happening, but I'll be ok.
Today, I just want to go bake cookies, maybe see if I can go see Emma, and just enjoy the day.

wendy, you're so awesome. keep pushing forward and God will guide you. and just think, He's got something even better than grad school. BETTER than grad school?!! isn't that amazing! :)

:: m ::
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