Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I haven't heard yet :(

I am so tired of waiting to hear if I got into grad school or not. I should be hearing anytime now.
I think I am at the point where I'm trusting God, if I get in or don't get in. If I get in it will be awesome, I'll get to stay at mac and be part of the community there. Learn more about an interesting subject, and get to actually try some of it out. If I don't get in, maybe I'll get a job at the library and work there, and eventually get back to tutoring when I've honoured my commitment to Sylvan. Actually working at the library sounds pretty good right now. If I do get into grad school I'm going to be crazy busy, so actually working at the library would leave time for church, family and friends.
So God, whatever you want, I'll be fine with, just PLEASE tell me SOON.

Would you rather God tell you "NOW!" or in his time? Think about it? If its his will you're looking for, its his time you have to wait for too. He's kept you so far, and he'll continue to do so. Miss ya already, Wendy. I'll be praying for ya. Keep me posted.
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