Monday, June 26, 2006


Perky Nipples

My friends have been encouraging me to let people know what is going on in my head, to let people know who I am. They're often suprise by me, and then I'm suprised because I'm just being me. Like when I wiped my spit on Maeghan, or tickled Niki, or ask questions like how far should you go before marriage.
So I guess you're probably wondering about the Perky Nipples. Last week Jay, our youth pastor, was joking about his perminant perky nipples that he's had ever since he waxed his chest for the LIFT video. He had to pluck around them before he waxed. So anyways, yesterday while we were swimming at Valens Jay mentioned that his nipples were extra perky. So later on I thought about making a comment to him about how his nipples really were super perky, but I chickened out and just commented to Niki later.
So the point of this story is that maybe I should let people in a bit more and share. I would have loved to see the look on Jay's face if I did comment on them. The perky nipples that is.
Oh and the whole story about the way home from camp, I'm still not telling, at first it was because I was afraid of what else I'd say, but now its more fun to bug people by not telling them. Now lets see, do have the guts to make this one comment, empty paper towel roll. A white one, not a brown one.

i can't believe you titled your blog that, you are awesome!!! I knew right away what you were talking about, but again "SURPRISE", that came from who's mouth...err, fingers?? haha. :) you're great Wendy!!
perky nipples?! man, those would look huge!!!

;) :P

we love you wendy!
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