Thursday, August 03, 2006



Early tonight I was in the bath and I had the feeling I should make sure I took the time to connect with God. The bath seems to be the best place for me to focus, I can't really go anywhere. So anyways, I couldn't focus so I got the feeling I should do my five minutes of deep breathing that I was told to do a day by my physiotherapist. So I stopped and struggled through actually relaxing for five minutes straight. So when I was through with that, I pray and I hear, "Be still and know that I am God". So a bit more actual relaxing. Then a couple of minutes ago I read this:

Step back from your busy life for the few minutes that you read this and reflect. After you read this, take five minutes, and sit in silent solitude. No phones (texting, etc), no computer (AIM, MySpace, etc), no music, no XBox 360, no talking. Nothing but silence. If you haven't experienced this in a while, the sound will be loud, and you'll see what I mean.
In the book Facedown by Matt Redman, Bill Hybels, pastor of Willow Creek, asked, "Is the ambient noise level of my life low enough for me to hear the whispers of the Lord?"

So I get it God, being quiet to is a really good way to hear from you. :) Thanks for reminding me.

That's great. I recently visited a church nearby where the pastor moved us all onto the lawn outside and taught the way Jesus would have taught people back then. He taught on the importance of just being quiet before the Lord, and even if you don't pray or open your BIble, just spending time quietly, waiting for God to speak to us is so important. Then he had us all find a place on the church campus to sit alone for ten minutes, and then called us back for communion. It was awesome. I was blessed that he would be so flexible with his teaching.
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