Sunday, August 06, 2006



So I have a break from PowerPoint for the next two weeks. Then I have one week where I have to do it, and then I have another week off. That last week is the camping trip. I'm thinking that I'm going to try to get that inbetween week off too, somehow. I really need the chunk of time before we start in with Alt every week again.
Dave talked about having a vision in your ministry today. I really need that. I do need the time off, but really need vision more. The work isn't too bad, not too much work lately, not really any new songs and I haven't had to make many slides. I just know that I can't go into another year of work without having an attitute change. There is nothing in me that wants to stop doing PowerPoint, I just know that if I don't start the year excited and refreshed I'm not going to make it through the year.
I guess I need vision in other aspects of my life too. I need to find a full time job that I am actually excited about doing. That job I applied for a couple of weeks ago sounds exciting, and even though I'm leaving it in God's hands, I'm scared that if I don't get this job, I still won't know what I want to do and won't have any direction.
I really need peace and joy from God of where my life is going.

How exciting! I mean, it's always cool to talk to people who don't have a precise timeline filled in for their lives. It's like being a clean slate that is more receptive and attentive to God's plans. I wish I could be more open to His plans, I mean, I was and He has placed desires in my heart but now I'm rarin' to go and God wants me to wait on Him. It's frustrating, but kind of exciting to see what happens. I will pray that God shows you His plan or at least part of it!
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